shantha wijesooriya
The four Sri Lankans who fell victim to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s election campaign should be released immediately!
Four Sri Lankans, who were to alleged to commit an act of terrorism in India were recently arrested by the Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Unit at the Ahmedabad International Airport.
They were arrested at the Ahmedabad airport in a situation where there was an election fever in India and amid three cricket teams participating in the IPL cricket tournament were scheduled to arrive at the same airport on the same day, the incident attracted the attention of the world.
The four Sri Lankans who were arrested by the Indian security forces are are said to be members of the ISIS. According to the Gujarat Terror Unit, they said, a group of people related to the organization, as well as those who carried out the Easter Sunday attack in Sri Lanka, were members of the Thawhid Jamath organization belonging to Zaharan Hashim.
Gujarat Police Chief Vikash Sahe says that the four Sri Lankans arrested by the Indian security forces say are they are members of the SIS, have come to India to attack Christians, Jews, Bharatiya Janata Party members and RSS leaders.
These four Sri Lankans are Mohammed Nushrat (34), Mohammed Nafran Naufar, (27), Mohammed Rasdeen Abdul Razim (45) and Mohammed Faris Mohammed Farooq (27) who are residents of Negombo and Colombo.
The media had reported that Nushrat has visited India 40 times, Nafran Naufar 38 times and Abdul Razim and Mohammad Farooq have visited India for the first time.
The media reports say that these four are heavily addicted to the Ice, they have gone to India to smuggle and bring gold, mobile phones and drugs to the country and especially Nushrat and Nafran have continued to engage in this illegal smuggling for quite some time.
The four people who were alleged to launch this attack in India is said to be led by a Pakistani national named Abu. Gujarat Police Chief Sahe has stated to the Indian media that Abu has given them four hundred thousand Sri Lankan rupees in cash to launch this attack.
Gujarat Police Chief Sahe says that three Pakistan-made pistols and one cartridge of ammunition were found in Nanavidola area near Ahmedabad city. Gujarat Police Chief Sahe further says that the Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Unit found these weapons by analyzing the mobile phones of the suspects and on the information received from them during interrogation.
According to the Indian security forces, the alleged Sri Lankan ISIS suspects are being investigated locally by the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID). A team under the supervision of two Superintendents of Police has been appointed.
The local Silumina newspaper has found something more important than Gujarat Police Chief Vikash Sahe who found out that two of the four Sri Lankan ISIS who went to attack India were coolies and the marriages of all the four has failed. We cannot assume that the coolies cannot join the ISIS or that there are no coolies in that organization. Also, the organization has not announced or stated that the coolies cannot join the ISIS.

Gayan Kumara Weerasinghe an editor of the government flagship newspaper Silumina who compiled an article captioned “ISIS coolies who left Sri Lanka to attack India” has insulted the poor coolies of our country. Weerasinghe has tried to say that such people cannot join the ISIS because ISIS is an organization with high-ranking people who have a strict discipline. There is no doubt that Weerasinghe’s anti-ISIS is not just an anti-ISIS but an anti-Muslim. He becomes an anti-ISIS as well as a propagandist of ISIS at the same time. Weerasinghe unconsciously tries to mark distinctive difference between ISIS and the coolies. Throughout the article it is evident that he is not willing to admit that coolies are among ISIS.
Weerasinghe argues that the four arrested by the Indian security forces are drug addicts and religious extremists, so they cannot be ISIS members. He further says “It is stated that they have revealed many things in the face of a prolonged interrogation in custody, but everything is at the level of investigation,”
On the 21 April the house of Mohamed Faris held in India and the house of his friend Amir in Sri Lanka are being thoroughly checked with the help of the Bomb Disposal Unit of the Police Special Task Force (STF)
Weerasinghe says many things have been revealed and that the TID has uncovered many important information while interrogating Amir in Sri Lanka. From these events Silumina editor Weerasinghe has unconsciously or consciously made a severe attempt to maintain a Muslim prejudice in the Sinhala society by not disclosing the facts of the prolonged interrogation.
At a time when US-led imperialists have started a war of extermination against Muslims on a global scale, it is wrong to consider the fear of Sinhala chauvinists like Weerasinghe towards Muslims as mere Sinhala chauvinism but it is a product of the imperialist war itself.
Indian media has reported that the four Sri Lankan ISIS members were arrested at Ahmedabad Patel International Airport based on information received by the Indian intelligence agencies.
Media reports say they have gone to Chennai from Katunayake Airport and from there to Ahmedabad.
According to information local Terrorism Investigation (TID) has discovered that the four people who were arrested by the Indian security forces as ISIS were drug addicts involved in the illegal trafficking of goods between India and Sri Lanka and not a group related to the ISIS organization in any way.
According to Gujarat Police Chief Sahe, these three have come to India to kill Christians, Jews, BJP and RSS leaders. Sahe, try to imply that Sri Lankan ISIS has come to India to kill BJP and RSS leaders. The Indian security forces say that they have been led by a person named Abu, who is also a Pakistani citizen. When the Indian security forces interrogated the four Sri Lankan ISIS, they found three Pakistani-made automatic pistols and a bulk of live ammunition. Gujarat Police Chief Sahe said that pistols and ammunition were seized in Nanavidol area, but it is not clear whether these weapons were with a person or in a house. No person has been arrested in this connection. It appears that those weapons has been fallen from the sky.
Pakistan is India’s rival and the fact that Sri Lankan ISIS operations, Abu and weapons are in Pakistan is not accidental but inevitable because the conflict between Pakistan and India is a religious conflict. The arrest of four ISIS members who came to kill Bharatiya Janata Party and RSS leaders at the behest of a Pakistani man is a trend that provokes Hindus. On the brink of an election, this kind of news are created by the capitalist ruling class, including Narendra Modi, who are unable to solve any socio-economic problem of the labor-oppressed people of India, by bringing race, religion and caste issues to the fore and trying to stay in power. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a Hindu chauvinist.
In the year 2002, when a train was set on fire in the city of Godhra, dozens of Hindu passengers were burnt to death and more than thousands of Muslims were killed in the violence.
Narendra Modi was accused of killing Muslims. At that time, Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat.
Nushrat has gone to India 40 times and Nafran Naufar 38 times, and at no time have the eyes of the Indian security forces been focused on them. The Indian High Commission officials knew Nushrat and Naufar well who were frequent visitors to the High Commission. The High Commission of India in Sri Lanka is also aware that they often go to India not for pilgrimage, but for business purposes.
According to the Indian security forces, the four Sri Lankan claimed to be ISIS, landed at Ahmedabad Patel International Airport on May 19. Four teams participating in the IPL match were also scheduled to arrive at the Patel International Airport that day. Before that, there was a rumor that the airport would be attacked. In such a situation, they might have been arrested on suspicion of being Muslims. It is probably a coincidence. Ahmedabad is an area under the command of Narendra Modi
The four Sri Lankan Muslims who were arrested by the Indian security forces later turned into ISIS with the election campaign. Otherwise, there is a doubt whether this happened due to the mutual understanding between India’s intelligence service and Sri Lanka’s military intelligence on sly. It is a notorious secret known to the whole world that Zaharan and others carried out the Easter Sunday attack on April 19, 2019 at the behest of the Sri Lanka Military Intelligence. Despite the fact that the Indian RAW Intelligence informed the Sri Lankan security forces about it, the Sri Lankan intelligence agencies were aware of perpetrators,
Missing Sarah Jasmin alias Pulasti Mahendran is the wife of Katchi Mohammad Hastun, who blew up one of the Easter Sunday bomb in the Katuwapitiya Church. According to the report, she is a RAW spy. Former President Maithripala Sirisena recently made a controversial statement regarding the Easter Sunday attack. When the media asked him about it, Sirisena said that the Indian High Commission of Sri Lanka informed him about the Easter Sunday attack.
According to military intelligence, Abu Hind led the group who killed themselves while launching the Easter Sunday attack. The Sri Lankan ISIS has been led by a person named Abu. Both Abu Hind and Abu are Pakistani nationals. Abu means father and the purpose of this is to hunt the Muslim community.
According to Gujarat Police Chief Sahe, the Sri Lankan ISIS were not informed about the target by Abu or the people who led them from India. Although the target was not informed, they were previously informed about the location of the weapons used for the attack. Sri Lankan ISIS has been provided three automatic pistols to kill Narendra Modi and RSS leaders.
A question arises as to why four people participated in the attack and three pistols were given. Can this so called ISIS members go closer to Narendra Modi and RSS leaders and shoot at a time when heavy security is provided (especially during elections)?
Further ISIS has mostly used suicide attacks in such cases. Or attack using long range weapons. Analyzing all these matters, it becomes clear that this is a fiction.
Gujarat Police Chief Sahe told the media that while questioning the Sri Lankan ISIS, they were members of the banned organization of National Thawhid Jamath (NTJ) in Sri Lanka. After the Easter Sunday attack, on May 4, 2019, the Thawhid Jamath organization was named as a banned organization in Sri Lanka. How did Nushrat, Naufar and others hide without being caught by the Sri Lankan security forces in a situation where the organization has arrested members as well as friends with the Easter Sunday attack? With the disclosure of the Gujarat police chief, the suspicion arises that the Indian security forces arrested this group with the information of the Sri Lankan security.
The lies of the Indian security have been exposed by the drama created by them using the four Sri Lankas alleged to be the members of the ISIS is to increase Modi’s vote bank. It is similar to the story of Sri Lankan criminals being handcuffed and taken to show weapons and being shot dead by the police.
According to their friends, the four Sri Lankan Muslims went to India to smuggle goods to the country. Like Nushrat and Nafran Naufar, most of the rich businessmen in this country earn money from smuggling which is usual.
The arrest of the four Sri Lankan Muslims who were branded as ISIS, is a sign of the Indian ruling class’s callousness as well as the use of the people who have been dragged into the misery created by the crisis of the capitalist system for the nationalistic purposes of the Indian ruling class.
Only an international movement of working-class people with a scientific perspective can defeat the capitalist ruling class, which strives to stay in power over the corpses of the people who have been reduced to human dust by the crisis of the capitalist system.
In the end, every business that turns its back on that vision is supporting that wretched system.
Let’s urge the ruling class including Prime Minister Narendra Modi to immediately release the Sri Lankans who were arrested on absurd charges!